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A Woman's Legacy

Today, women are told to pursue their dreams and make a career.

Men are told to work hard and be successful.

Blindly, we are told if we fulfill our desires we are considered blessed. In reality, the bible tells us that all blessings begin with our family. All other blessings are a result of the atmosphere within our home. What does that look like? It looks like men pursuing their wives long after their honeymoon. It looks like wives who gladly serve their family. It looks like a woman and a man doing life together, allowing the favor of God to fall on their family and friends with generations to come. Who you choose to be within your covenant matters as well. Women who nag and complain are sucking the life out of their husbands. Women who uplift and submit are just as a crown upon their husband's head. The woman dictates the atmosphere within her home. She must choose wisely. Marriage is the closest thing to Heaven or Hell depending on the type of woman within the marriage. It's amazing how the very atmosphere of a family is determined by the woman placed within the home. Even if the husband is not born again, he can be won to the Kingdom of God by the choices his wife makes daily, choosing to live for God in front of her husband. There is power in a woman who knows her place within her marriage. When she realizes that the calling on her life to be a wife and a mother is more precious than any other calling upon her life, nations are impacted. When she can block out the noise of the world telling her that happiness is found in work, her children are molded into world changers. When she can block out the stares for choosing to submit to her husband, blessings flow because of her obedience. Through a woman's choice to submit, to serve and to seek God with all her heart, the world is changed. Mothers and wives, you are our future because you are shaping generations to come. With all your heart, leave a legacy worth more than money.

Scripture reference:

Psalm 128:1-6

Proverbs 18:22

Proverbs 12:4

1 Peter 3:1-4

Ecclesiastes 9:9

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