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Be the Light in a Night of Darkness

We live in a world where a little compromise is no big deal, and a little leeway is no big deal.

We also live in a world where we try to Christianize everything, even when the root of the situation is obviously Satanic.

This month is one of those things.

This upcoming holiday is deeply rooted in things no Christian should be a part of.

In the fifth chapter of Ephesians we, as Christians, are given a command. See, the difference between a command and a suggestion is that suggestions are optional, while commands are very much unchangeable. The command given in this chapter is to have no fellowship with the things of darkness.


Darkness and light do not mix, ever.

This month is a month filled with absolute darkness that we, children of the light, have been commanded to stay away from.

When you look up Halloween in the World Book Encyclopedia, it is defined as having to do with the beginning of all things cold, dark, and dead.

Dark. Opposite of light.

So your children, when participating in Halloween, are participating in the beginning of all things dead, dark, and cold.

To help you understand why even the world describes Halloween as dark, we have some explanations of the traditions that have been passed down.

1. Trick or Treat

We see a cute slogan to receive candy. In reality, the Druids, the creators of Halloween, went from house to house to collect food for their yearly festival to celebrate San Haven. If you did not give them what they asked for, they would cast a spell on your house and according to them, someone would die within the next year. Hence the phrase “Trick or Treat”.

2. Jack O Lanterns

They did not start off with pumpkins. They started with turnips. They carved a face in the turnips, which represented the spirit that would curse the houses. The spirit’s name was Jacque. When switched to American, pumpkins were readily available and the term Jack was used. So carved pumpkins represent the housing of a spirit whose job was to kill.

3. Bon Fires

At the creation of Halloween, bon fires were used to cast off unwelcomed spirits throughout the night of celebrating the dead.

These are just a few examples of how the practices of Halloween are not as simple as we try to make them to be. A common argument is that the church started All Saints Day. A day to celebrate the martyred after a night of celebrating all things dead, dark, and cold.

Halloween was never meant to be a part of the church. It was invented when Constantine made it illegal to be anything other than a Christian. This forced pagans into the church, not converts. As many pagan practices as they weeded out, they could not weed out Halloween. This is because out of every dark practice they had, this meant the most to them. This was their most powerful, satanic filled night.

So, because they could not beat them, they joined them.


Darkness overtook their light.

As much as we try to Christianize this night, it is not a night of the light. It is absolutely a night of all things dead, dark, and cold.

“Well, everyone else…”

Did God call us to be like everyone else?

Did God call us to be of the world?

Your children are learning from you. Every choice you allow into their lives draws them closer or further from His light and closer or further to the darkness of this world. This night is proclaimed to worship all things of the dark; all things that the Bible tells us to not have fellowship with.

Be wise.

Where is your line, your standard?


Ephesians 5:11

1 Corinthians 15:33

Proverbs 22:6

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