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Worship Like You Mean It

When is the last time you came into a worship service so focused on God that none of your problems, none of your hurts, none of your worries, and none of your to-do list was in your mind? Worship service is for us to experience the very manifested glory of God with others. We can't experience all He has for us within worship if we aren't focused on Him. Sure, we'll have awesome services and His presence will be there because of those who's eyes are fixed on their King. But the full experience He has for us will be missed if we aren't in one mind, one accord, and one voice. We sometimes even try to stay proper and not rejoice in dancing and sing in joy. We stray from loud worship thinking it'll make us reverend God more.

That's not what the Bible tells us to do. We look at worship as this quiet reverent time with God. Yet, Kind David made it very clear that we should lift hands, we should dance, we should reach God with all our hearts. Sure you might look silly, but isn't God worth looking silly for? Forget who you are. forget your position. Forget your dignity. It might rob you of a move of God. Other people may think of us as crazy when we dance and laugh. They may look at us strange and judge our motives, but when you're in the presence of the very one who saved your life, all else falls to the side and you can't help but to rejoice and offer your praise. I challenge you to go through your week with a grateful heart. Look for the good in all things. And when you get to your next worship service, stay grateful! Gratefulness is what begins the movement of God! Scripture: 2 chronicles 5:13 Acts 2:1 1 Timothy 2:8 Psalms 149:1-4 Psalms 150:1-6

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