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Battle Cry

There are so many churches with so many different worship services. And while it’s okay to do things differently, it’s important to understand what the Bible says a worship service should look like. In all things, we must remember that things should be done in moderation, but to do what God commands of us. In Acts,Pentecost was fulfilled because the people came together in one accord. No one was worried about the football game they might miss. No one was worried about the dinner they had to prepare. No one was worried about church ending on time. There was a unity and a desire so deep that leaving wasn’t on their minds.

We can have that.

We can experience that.

So why aren’t we?

It’s because people nowadays don’t believe in the things they experienced in that upper room thousands of years ago.

Lifting hands isn’t a style of worship.

Singing spontaneously isn’t a style of worship.

Dancing isn’t a style of worship.

Laughing isn’t a style of worship.

Worship, true heart worship, isn’t any style, but a command from our Daddy to come into His presence with arms outstretched and praising Him for WHO He is.

When we reserve ourselves from any of these commands, we aren’t giving His presence the ability to come to FULL Pentecost.

When we come into His presence and we begin to repent for the dirty rotten sinner we are, no matter how true that may be, the enemy distracts us from the very reason we are gathered: to worship our Lord.

So just as Blind Barnabas, we have to shout out to our Jesus, losing all of our reservation, in hopes that He hears our battle cry and comes into our midst.

Could you imagine your church breaking out into full Pentecost simply because everyone followed God’s command of worship?

It would change a community, which would in turn change our world.

How much of yourself are you willing to let go in order to see the presence of God fall like you’ve

never seen before?

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